Pasek boczny


How to reduce a workspace

Workspace is limited for the purpose of indicating only those objects which will be subjected to the analysis. Such objects are indicated in the program by activating or deactivating them. Inactive objects are not subjected to statistical analyses.

  • Manual activation/deactivation of objects
  • Indicating a row in the data sheet which describes the appropriate object and selecting the option Activate/Deactivate from the context menu on its name;
  • Indicating an object on the map and selecting, from the context menu, the option Activate/Deactivate or IdentifyActivate/Deactivate object.
  • Automatic activation/deactivation of objects
  • Selecting objects on the basis of data sheet – for example, one can indicate as active only those shops which are groceries with an area not larger than 1000m2. In such a case, the setting of appropriate conditions for selecting objects takes place in the window of Activation/Deactivation available after selecting the EditActivate/Deactivate (filter)… menu. A detailed description of the manners of selection of that type can be found in the User Manual - PQStat (Chapter: How to Reduce Data Sheet Workspace).
  • Selecting objects on the basis of a map – for example, one could only distinguish those shops which are within a rectangular or elliptical area marked on a map. We select the area with the use of the selection area tools (selection area tools) and later activate or deactivate in the window Activate/Deactivate in the selection available after selecting the ToolsActivate/Deactivate in the selection menu in the window of the Map manager.

In order to activate all objects one should select the ToolsActivate all menu in the window of the Map manager or the EditActivate all menu in the window of PQStat.

en/przestrzenpl/wsteppl/obszrobpl.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2022/02/16 12:07 przez admin

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