Pasek boczny


Map Viewing Tools

Zoom in – allows to view a map in a larger scale and see its details;

Zoom out – allows to view a map in a smaller scale and see all its parts;

Adjust to the window – allows such a view of a map that the whole image is displayed in a window;

Select – allows to choose a rectangular part of a map, which will be enlarged and adjusted to the window size;

Grabber – allows to move the image in the browser window so as to place a given part of the image in a chosen position.

As we are browsing the map we also get a tooltip concerning the ID and the name of the object we point to with the cursor. The name is loaded from the data sheet, it is the variable indicated as active in the Map manager. By default, during import the first variable of the text type is set as active.

We can get more information about the object pointed at by choosing the option Identify from the context menu. In the identification window it is also possible to Activate/Deactivate object.

en/przestrzenpl/menmappl/przeglpl.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2022/02/16 11:43 przez admin

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