Pasek boczny


Map Style Edition

We can edit map layers by choosing the button in the map list. The manner of editing depends on the type of objects presented on a given map (points, multipoints, lines, polygons). It is possible to select the style of lines, color fill, and the level of its transparency. By default the coloring utilizes one color only. In the case of layers representing the base map there is a number of coloring methods.

Coloring Methods:

  • Full color – when this method is used, all objects will be colored with the use of the same method – with the use of one color only (the button Fill).
  • Color gradation – when this method is used, objects will be colored according to the value assigned to them in a selected datasheet variable (the button Color gradation). For example, when coloring a map which shows altitude, color shade for points lying higher will be different from that for points lying lower. The variable according to which we will do the coloring should only contain numerical values. If that is not the case then the object for which there is no numerical value is not colored according to the coloring method chosen for that variable but has the default color for the map.

Methods for variable breaks used in color gradation:

  • Natural Breaks (Jenks) –a method in which a variable is broken into such classes that variance in classes is minimized and variance among classes is maximized.
  • Quantile Breaks – a method in which a variable is broken into classes with an equal number of units.
en/przestrzenpl/menmappl/edycjapl.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2022/02/16 11:54 przez admin

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