Model-based prediction and test set validation


Validation of a model is a check of its quality. It is first performed on the data on which the model was built (the so-called training data set), that is, it is returned in a report describing the resulting model. In order to be able to judge with greater certainty how suitable the model is for forecasting new data, an important part of the validation is to become a model to data that were not used in the model estimation. If the summary based on the treining data is satisfactory, i.e., the determined errors $R^2$ coefficients and information criteria are at a satisfactory level, and the summary based on the new data (the so-called test data set) is equally favorable, then with high probability it can be concluded that such a model is suitable for prediction. The testing data should come from the same population from which the training data were selected. It is often the case that before building a model we collect data, and then randomly divide it into a training set, i.e. the data that will be used to build the model, and a test set, i.e. the data that will be used for additional validation of the model.

The settings window with the validation can be opened in Advanced statisticsMultivariate modelsMultiple regression - prediction/validation.

To perform validation, it is necessary to indicate the model on the basis of which we want to perform the validation. Validation can be done on the basis of:

In the analysis window, indicate those new variables that should be used for validation.


Most often, the final step in regression analysis is to use the built and previously validated model for prediction.

To make a prediction, it is necessary to indicate the model on the basis of which we want to make the prediction. Prediction can be made on the basis of:

In the analysis window, indicate those new variables that should be used for prediction. The estimated value is calculated with some error. Therefore, in addition, for the value predicted by the model, limits are set due to the error:

Example continued (publisher.pqs file)

To predict gross profit from book sales, the publisher built a regression model based on a training set stripped of item 16 (that is, 39 books). The model included: production costs, advertising costs and author popularity (1=popular author, 0=not). We will build the model once again based on the learning set and then, to make sure the model will work properly, we will validate it on a test data set. If the model passes this test, we will apply it to predictions for book items. To use the right collections we set a data filter each time.

For the training set, the values describing the quality of the model's fit are very high: adjusted $R^2$ = 0.93 and the average forecast error (MAE) is 3.7 thousand dollars.

For the test set, the values describing the quality of the model fit are slightly lower than for the learning set: Adjusted $R^2$ = 0.80 and the mean error of prediction (MAE) is 5.9 thousand dollars. Since the validation result on the test set is almost as good as on the training set, we will use the model for prediction. To do this, we will use the data of three new book items added to the end of the set. We'll select Prediction, set filter on the new dataset and use our model to predict the gross profit for these books.

It turns out that the highest gross profit (between 64 and 85 thousands of dollars) is projected for the first, most advertised and most expensive book published by a popular author.