PQStat installation

To start the installaton process, run the applicaton installer - PQStat-setup\_x86-FULL (for the 64-bit version run PQStat-setup\_x64-FULL.exe).

After doing so, a setup dialog box will appear. Press “Next” to continue. Further installation requires you to accept the Terms of Service. If you accept, select: „I accept the terms of service” and press “Next”. Otherwise, select „I do not accept the terms of service” and press : “Cancel” to abort the installation.

The following window will give you an option to change the default installation directory. Information about available disc space will also be displayed. Choosing the default installation directory is recommended.

Pressing “Next” will give you a choice of either a full installation or a version not including exemplary data sets. The data sets are used in the user guide.

In the next section, you will be given a chance to change the shortcut name, which will be created in the Windows Start Menu.

After pressing “Next”, you will have an option to create a Desktop Shoutcut or add a shoutcut to the Quick Lunch toolbar. Press “Next” to continue.

The following window it the last one before the installation process begins. It displays a summary of installation options chosen so far. Pressing Instal will start the installation process.